Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Symptoms, symptoms and more symptoms!

So, you may be wondering what exactly is it that's bothering me so much. Good question! Here is a list of my daily life.

~PAIN! On a scale from 1 to 10, I'm usually hovering at the 8 or 9 mark. Some days, (especially during ovulation and my period) I'm a 15 and literally cannot stand, sit or walk.
~Burning and tearing sensation on the inside of my incision.
~Strong, abdominal contractions that I have no control over.
~Hot flashes. Extreme sweating in my chest area. I can literally cup my hands below my breastbone and the sweat will pool there.
~Thirst. Perhaps from all the loss of water through sweating?
~Pain when voiding my bladder or bowels. A deep pain in the groin area.
~Swelling of my abdomen. I look very pregnant!
~Tender stomach. To the point I sometimes cannot even have clothes on, it hurts so much.
~Lack of mobility. Use of my abdominal muscles is painful. Do you have any idea how much you use your abs for without even realizing it? It's crazy!
~Impact on relationships. With my husband (will we even be able to have another child?) and daughter (I just want to roll on the floor and play with her and take her for walks in her stroller).
~Depressed mood. All this pain and not being able to live a normal life will get you down after awhile. Especially when doctors make you feel it's all in your head. You begin to think you're going crazy. (If it's all in my head, how do I imagine swelling?)

Making a profile of all these symptoms has lead me to believe in a couple of possibilities.
Adhesions from the surgery and/or endometriosis from the surgery.

I will tackle these one at a time later. Right now, it's time to deal with my pain. Somehow.

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