Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mom, can you stay please?

So, apparantly, I'm fine. It hasn't been six weeks since my operation and the tests all came back negative so what's the problem? The problem is it hurts to move, breathe, void my bladder and bowel, eat, feed my baby, pretty much live!
My husband is a pilot so he is often away from home. This isn't the ideal situation, but I am just thankful that he is in a safe job, I can speak with him every day and he's home at some point every week. I couldn't cope with this situation if I was a military wife with my husband in an unknown land for months at a time in such a dangerous situation. These families are courageous in more ways than one.
Fortunately for us, my parents and my husband's parents live close by. Both my mother and mother-in-law are retired nurses. While hubby was at work they would do "shifts" babysitting both me and the baby. Mom usually stayed overnight so that if I couldn't get out of bed to see to the baby, she would. Many a time it would be both of us up with Baby Girl. I must say, it was a very special bonding time for all three of us.
We don't have many sleepovers anymore, but I still get tremendous help from both of my moms.
During a "shift change" one morning, I couldn't handle it anymore. It had been two months since my operation and I wasn't seeing any improvement. With both mom and mom-in-law with me, they convinced me to call the office of the doctor who performed my surgery.
NOTE: I live in Canada, so we do have universal health care (thank the Lord and Tommy Douglas) but that means often times wait lists. You often need a referral to see any type of specialist, including obstetricians. So cold calling a doctor's office seemed as difficult as flying to Mars.
However, I calmly explained my situation to the secretary and that this doctor had performed my section and seen me in hospital. Voila! An appointment in two weeks time! Yay! There was hope on the horizon!

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