Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I can't tell you anything different...

So my day finally arrived! My office appointment with the doctor who performed my operation. I really like this doctor. She happened to be covering my doctor's patients in her absence. The nurses said she was a triple threat! A good doctor, very good person and beautiful too! I was only interested in the first of the three, really, but it is easier when your doctor is a nice person. (I'm all about the bedside manner!)
So I see her and dissolve into tears quite quickly. She is still perplexed as to why I am still having pain. She says she has never seen this before, and can't really say anything that the other doctors haven't already said. My worst fear came out of her mouth, "I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you either." I then realized how much of a pedestal I had placed this woman on. Why did I think I could just go to her office and she would magically cure me? After all, she did examine and treat me in the hospital and had no answers then either. Why did I think that would change just because I called her office and got an appointment? However, she does examine me (something I had to beg other doctors to do) and suggests several options to rule out. Could it be gastrointestinal? Perhaps see a pain specialist.
Over the course of the next three months I began to eliminate other possibilities.

It's not gastro. I was treated for irritable bowel syndrome and had a barium enema. (THAT was tons of fun!)
Not an infection. I went through yet another round of antibiotics.
I am now on my third medication for nerve pain. Which she said could take up to three months to notice any difference. It's been that long now, and nothing.

My doctor's plan was to rule everything else out before having to go inside via any kind of incision. I agree with that. Since the first one has been so difficult to get over, more would probably make it worse.

At the end of all this discussion, she agreed to see me again in six months.

I will be seeing her again the beginning of June. After only three months.

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