Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Being married to a pilot I have learned two things, I have to sleep alone at some point almost every week and my husband no longer speaks English, but rather sounds like an eye chart when he talks. So for those of you who don't know, YWG is the airport code for Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

I was in Winnipeg recently for a teachers course at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. I was given a heads up by a friend that your rear end gets sore from sitting, as most of the course is observation. This was true to some extent. On the first day I explained my situation to the Pilates teacher and she was wonderful at modifying the exercises for me. I did not have the nerve however to explain my situation to the head of the school yet though. While in her class that afternoon, I took part in a basic barre routine. BIG mistake! Just a few minutes and my pain was made much worse.
Day 3 of the course found me not at the school but at Emergency in a nearby hospital.
The process was much more quick and pleasant than I had anticipated. They ran a urine test and blood work but basically said there was nothing they could do for me since I would not be in town long enough. So doped up on Atasol 30's with my prescription in hand, I made my way to the drugstore and back to the hotel for the rest of the day.

I had an appointment with my doctor last week. I am on the list for laparoscopy. Hopefully next week! I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for the phone to ring to tell me my appointment time. She did say that there is still a possibility that they may look inside and see nothing. At which point I replied, "Then admit me to the psych ward! Everyone already thinks I'm crazy, this will confirm it!" However, she was very good to follow up with the idea that if nothing is found, we will try other avenues.
Thanks for not dismissing me, Doc. It means a lot!

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